
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

occasional babysitting

See this message from a Bloomingdale household:

Occasional Babysitting

Our nanny, Michelle, is looking for occasional babysitting work on weekends or evenings. She has been taking care of our son and another neighborhood child for about a year and we are extremely happy with her. She is great with the children and is completely reliable and responsible – we have complete confidence in her. She is fluent in English and French.

If interested you can call her at (240) 481- 0317, or if you`d like more information from us you can call (202) 265- 7927.


  1. Could you please post something about how we are supposed to get comments to you for posting to the blog? I can't find this information anywhere on the site. Thanks.

  2. Are you at all interested in adding one more child to that mix? My husband and I are expecting our first in early February of next year and would love to find a good nanny share opportunity in the neighborhood. We'd be looking to start in April or May of next year and would love any recommendations from people in the neighborhood.

    My email address is if anyone has any recommendations in Bloomingdale or nearby for a nanny share or good day care center.


  3. Lost cat named Merlin - black and white tuxedo cat - mostly white nose with 1 freckle. He lives at 215 S Street. 202-276-1312 (Paul - owner). He is neutered / has all his shots up-to-date. Missing morning of 7/6. If found please call.

  4. sarah
    you can email me
    wheresmycoffee at

    if you have text that you would like me to publish
    if you have photos, please upload them to the bloomingdale flickr group
    and send me the link.

