
Tuesday, July 06, 2010

found kitten

From a resident of R Street NW:

I'm in the alley between Randolph and R St NW, and there's a stray kitten who'se come around a few times. Can you find out if anyone knows it? If not, I may try and contact animal control/Humane Society because it's young enough that someone might adopt it before it gets too old. See the photo of the kitten to the right.

Also, is anyone on this block involved with the Humane Society's CatNipp program that keeps track of the alley cats?


  1. Lost cat named Merlin - black and white tuxedo cat - mostly white nose with 1 freckle. He lives at 215 S Street. 202-276-1312 (Paul - owner). He is neutered / has all his shots up-to-date. Missing morning of 7/6. If found please call.

  2. I don't know if they'd take in the cat, but we have Alley Cat Allies in the neighborhood as well. Just a possible option.

    Mat from Bloomingdale

  3. paul do you have a picture of your cat? There is a spotted white cat that i've seen around

  4. mat - please contact me regarding Alley Cat Allies.

  5. Thank you for your posts. Merlin has been found (about an hour ago). He had been gone for a little over 24 hours. He was in my neighbors back yard. He was dirty and was "treated" to his first bathtub experience. I don't know what he was into that got him so dirty. Two of my neighbors told me about this blog - I'm glad its here for the community.

  6. I live on R and there is a litter of strays (about 5-6). They were born about 2 months ago. We were able to take one to the Human Society but haven't seen the others except when they were tiny babies living in our next door neighbors yard. I think the best thing to do is take it to the Humane Society if you are able.

  7. What is alley cat allies?


    Several of us in the neighborhood (and around DC) participate in a feral cat management program called TNR (Trap Neuter Return). The cats are neutered and returned to the alleys (unless they are deemed adoptable). Volunteers feed them.

    Here is an article that was districuted nationally about the cats I feed in Bloomingdale.

  9. Oops, that was "distributed".

    Here is a link to the Alley Cat Allies page.
