
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ted McGinn's message about the passing of his wife Ann

See this 7/17/2010 message from Eckington resident Ted McGinn:

A Life Lived with No Regrets

Ann and Ted Jr. Prom night 2008

This past Monday, July 12th my wife Ann slipped away from us at home after a seven month battle with cancer.

Ann just turned 50 this past April and we had never thought that our family would lose our heart and soul. Ann is at peace now and we want to thank all of you for your support and prayers.

Ann and I have two wonderful children, Ted Jr. who will be starting his second year at George Mason University this fall and Clara a sophomore at School Without Walls. These past months, Ann has taught us how we will carry on without her yet always hold her in our hearts. I asked early on when we first found out
what she faced if she had any regrets about all the things we had planned to do in the future, you know; those trips to far away places you plan when the kids are off on there own or the simple joys of getting old together knowing each others thoughts without a word being spoken. Ann smiled and said " no regrets" "we have always made the most of what we've had".

Please join our family and Ann's co-worker from the Nation Science Teachers Association for Memorial Service Celebrating Ann's life. The service will be held Thurday July 29th from 11:00am till 12:30pm. The location is the Friends Meeting House of Washington at 2111 Florida Ave. NW. The service will be followed by a pot-luck reception at the Big Bear Cafe starting at 1:30pm. The Cafe is located at the corner of First St NW and R street NW.

Metro Directions to the Friends Meeting House

Take the Red line from the New york Ave station get off at Dupont Circle: Take the Q Street exit from Metro; Connecticut Ave. is within sight. Walk north (uphill) on Connecticut Ave. approximately two and a half blocks to Florida Avenue; turn left on Florida and walk approximately half a block to the Meeting House on the right. Look for our front garden.

Some of you have asked about flowers or donations. If you feel the need to give please make a donation in Ann's name to City Year DC.

Some Background:

At City Year’s locations across the United States and in South Africa, young people ages 17 to 24 – called “corps members” – serve full time for 10 months. These young leaders put their idealism to work for children and communities through school-based service, youth leadership programs and community transformation:

City Year relies on the involvement and support of dedicated individuals. Donations from individuals help support City Year Washington, DC’s work and the young people who are making a difference through a year of service. There are several different ways to make an individual donation:

Donate Online: Click here to make a secure online donation to City Year Washington, DC.

Donate through the Combined Federal Campaign: CFC #37889.

Donate by Mail: To make a contribution by mail, please send a check, made payable to City Year Washington, DC, to:
Betsy Cotton, Development Manager
1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 1130
Washington, DC 20009


  1. Thank you for your lovely tribute to your wife.

  2. You don't care when black residents die here in this neighborhood, but you have Whitey McWhiterson all up on here.

  3. My condolences on the passing of your wife. She sounds like a wonderful woman who will be missed. Thank you for posting this tribute.

  4. anonymous tuesday 1:23:00,

    if you have written a eulogy, or other information that you would like me to post here, you can email me at
    wheresmycoffee at

  5. The longest time I spoke to Ann - and the only time I spoke to her with no one else around - was during the period when she was optimistic about treatment being successful. She was into walking, and she looked fantastic. Her parting comment was, "I look pretty good for someone with a terminal disease, don't I?" Now, THAT was a strong woman. I really, really regret not getting to REALLY know her.
