
Monday, July 21, 2014

a thank you message from the niece of former Bloomingdale resident Kathleen Rand Reed

See this 07-20-2014 message:

Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:44:05 -0700
Subject: Thank you!

Dear Mr. Roberts,
I want to thank you for posting the notice about my Aunt Kathleen Rand Reed. I would like to send a thank you to the folks in the neighborhood for their condolences. Would you mind posting  this please?
Dear Bloomingdale friends and neighbors,
I am Andrea, the niece of Kathleen Rand Reed who was a member of your Bloomingdale community.  My Aunt Kathleen passed away on July 3rd as you may know. The last few weeks have been very difficult for me as I struggled with arrangements for her cremation.  However, the kindness of your community and the warm condolences has made it all so much more manageable, and for that I am forever grateful.  With Bloomingdale's financial support we reached our goal and Kathleen will be arriving this week to my home in Arizona. THANK YOU!
I've spent time researching some of the projects my Aunt was a part of.  To some she was a mentor, a coach, an activist, a sounding board for ideas, and a friend.  But to everyone she was an Encyclopedia Britannica of knowledge!  She knew it all...imagine being her niece!  LOL!  She was quite the woman and I am very proud to have had her in my life. 
A very special thank you to John Salatti, Robert and Sheila Brannum, George Hamilton the Hamilton Family, and Cliff Hackett.  You all have gone beyond my expectations, and for this I am thankful.
God Bless,
Andrea L. Cathey

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