
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

DPW suspends street sweeping in part of Bloomingdale due to DC Water construction; shout out for ANC 5E08 Commissioner Austin Pearl

Be sure to read the message from Bloomingdale resident John Salatti at the bottom of this post.

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:27:54 -0400
Subject: Fwd: DPW Suspends Street Sweeping in Part of Bloomingdale Due to DC Water Construction
To: long list

Many residents have voiced concern regarding street sweeping during FST construction. DPW has decided to suspend street sweeping in the construction area. Please help spread the word.
Teri Janine Quinn 
President, Bloomingdale Civic Association 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          CONTACT:           LINDA GRANT
Tuesday, July 29, 2014                                                                              202.671.2375

DPW Suspends Residential Street Sweeping in Bloomingdale on Certain Blocks Due to DC Water First Street Tunnel Construction Project

(Washington, DC)  The Department of Public Works announced today that weekly mechanical sweeping of certain residential blocks in the Bloomingdale neighborhood will be suspended through the end of residential street sweeping season, October 31 while DC Water’s First Street Tunnel construction project is underway.  As a result, DPW also will not issue parking tickets to vehicles that remain parked in these blocks during posted street sweeping days. 

The affected area encompasses the northern half of Bloomingdale bounded by and including the unit block of Channing Street, NW on the far north, the 2000-2400 blocks of North Capitol Street, NW on the east, the unit and 100 blocks of Rhode Island Avenue, NW on the south, the 1900-2200 blocks of 2nd Street, NW on the west, the 100 block of Bryant Street, NW on the north, and the 2400 block of First Street, NW connecting back to Channing.  Other blocks within that perimeter that will be affected include the 100 block of Thomas, the unit and 100 blocks of U, V, W, Adams, and Bryant, the 1900-2300 block of First, and the 2000 to 2200 blocks of Flagler Place.

#             #             #

Linda Grant
Public Information Office
DC Department of Public Works
2000 14th Street, NW, 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:50:06 -0400
Subject: Fwd: DPW Suspends Street Sweeping in Part of Bloomingdale Due to DC Water Construction
I'd like to give a shout out to Commissioner Austin Pearl for taking the lead on convincing DPW to suspend street sweeping.  He was so convincing that Lydia Grant's press release quotes his e-mails to DPW verbatim.
Good job, Comm'r Pearl!
John T. Salatti
(202) 986-2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale" 


  1. So is anyone going to pickup the trash in the streets?

  2. I'm going in front of my own house, twice a day, even though I can never park there because of one neighbor owning five or more huge cars. I have no idea where all of the trash comes from.

    1. If your talking about the guy who lives in 2300 block of 1st st that has about 5 extra large cars that he spends most of the morning moving around to avoid tickets and the street sweeping, I am right there with you. I have offstreet parking but need to move my car cause of some work that is occurring around my offstreet parking area and I have certainly taken notice of this guy. What I would like to know is does he get to have an apa pass to put all those cars in that lot

  3. This is great, and very much needed!! Thanks Austin & DPW.

  4. so glad they did this! the car dance was getting dreadful! competing with parked trucks and so many spaces taken, Mondays and Tuesdays had become a nightmare on Adams unit NW. this is some relief! Thanks DPW, Austin and John Salatti!

  5. This sounds like a good idea, but as a resident and home owner in this zone, I do not remember Mr. Pearl asking or informing me about this plan or my opinion. I am curious to hear the plan on how the trash will be picked up from the streets that collects daily from the corner and liquor stores since they do nothing to control or maintain this trash. The other source of trash in the streets is the drug dealers loitering on the corner of 1st and U street at night, discarding tons of trash while they perch waiting for a deal. Can Mr. Pearl or Salatti please help to propose a plan on how to clean up the streets now that they have stopped our street cleaning? Thanks.

    1. Well I think the first thing to do is start calling 911 every time you see the drug dealers out there. 2nd thing is everyone is going to have to pitch in and help and these corner store owners need to be having a conversation with the ANC reps about how they need to clean up around their stores. Sort of like the line the city is using now "See something, Say something" works for drug dealers and trash
