
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

help support Zioyana's fundraising for her trip to China in 2014

This is Neil, Wayne Johnson's son in law. My daughter Zioyana attends Washington Yu Ying PCS in the 4th grade and will be going to China in May 2015 for her 5th grade trip. We know this is a supportive neighborhood and we have faith that we will meet our goal. I attached a flyer we put together.  As you may recall, we've set up a donation account with for those who would like to donate this is another option. Once again we thank you for your support as well as the community. Link below

Subject: Help support Zioyana
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:25:42 -0400

This campaign is raising money for "Zioyana is going to CHINA 2015"

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