
Friday, July 11, 2014

Teri Janine Quinn message to fellow dog owners regarding dog poop

From: "Janine, Teri" <>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 10:57:59 AM
Subject: Dog Poop

To my fellow dog owners,

One of our responsibilities as dog owners is picking up after our dogs. Leaving dog waste out and about is, in essence, the same as feeding our ever growing rat population. About 3 or 4 years ago there was an outbreak of leptospirosis in Bloomingdale that claimed the lives of at least two neighborhood dogs and sickened others. Leptospirosis can be spread by rats and rats eat dog waste. So the chain of events works like this: more dog waste left out --> more food for rats --> more rats --> increased likelihood of a leptospirosis outbreak --> more dogs at risk of death or serious injury --> expensive vet bills and most expensive of all, heartache. Leptospirosis is but one disease borne of dog waste. So, PLEASE, be a good neighbor and pick up after your dog(s). It's the right thing to do.

Speaking of doing the right thing, when you pick up after your dog, please discard the waste in your own trash can or if necessary a public trash can. Please do not use a neighbor's trash can to discard dog waste (or for any other purpose). There are at least three good reasons not to use your neighbor's trash can:

1) DPW workers have been known to refuse to take trash that is not in a regular trash bag. That means the small doggie bags may be left in the can indefinitely if not placed in a larger trash bag. I do not know the rationale for this but I do know we can avoid this issue altogether if we (dog owners) discard dog waste properly in our own trash cans.

2) some neighbors house their trash cans inside their homes because they don't have back yards. If you place dog waste in someone's trash can and the trash has already been picked up for the day or the trash workers refuse to handle the individual doggie bag, the neighbor will be living with the odor from your dog waste for days --> not cool. At. All.

3) It's not your trash can.

Let's do our part to make this neighborhood the best it can be. 


Teri Janine Quinn
President, Bloomingdale Civic Association


  1. While we're on the subject... Perhaps this is a good time to remind our new neighbors that trash cans need to (by law) be stored on their property, not in the alleys.

  2. Newest neighbors in Bloomingdale, I mean. :)

  3. ATTENTION ALL: My dog got loose this afternoon. Wondering if anybody picked up a black and white pit bull. blue collar. name is Dro. CALL ME @ 404-213-5802 if you have any info about this.
