
Monday, July 28, 2014

the loooong agenda of tonight's Zoning Commission meeting includes the McMillan PUD

Here is the calendar for this Monday, 07-28-2014, public meeting.

Note that the McMillan Sand Filtration site PUD is one of MANY items on the agenda.

And note that this is NOT a hearing -- it is a meeting.  

Let's see how the Zoning Commissioners respond to the post-hearing submissions from Vision McMillan Partners, Bloomingdale Civic Association, Stronghold Civic Association and the McMillan Advisory Group (MAG).

Here is the link for info on watching the live webcast.

If you plan to tweet from the meeting, please use the Twitter hashtag of #mcmillanzoning. Thanks.

ZC Schedule

Public Meeting

Start Time : 7/28/2014 6:30 PM


Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 08-06
Case Name :CONSENT CALENDAR: Kelsey Gardens - Request for Minor Modification to PUD @ Square 421
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 14-06
Case Name :FINAL ACTION: KGG 50 M, LLC - CG Overlay Review @ Square 699
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 14-03
Case Name :FINAL ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment re.: Emergency Shelter
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 11-07
Case Name :FINAL ACTION: American University - Order on Remand
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 13-14
Case Name :PROPOSED ACTION: Vision McMillan Partner, LLC - 1st-Stage PUD, Related Map Amendment & Consolidated PUD @ Square 3128
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 14-02
Case Name :PROPOSED ACTION: A&R Development, et al. - "Barry Farm" 1st-Stage PUD & Related Map Amendment @ Squares 5862, 5865, and 5866
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 08-07A
Case Name :HEARING ACTION: Four Points, LLC & Curtis Properties, Inc. - Modification to PUD @ Square 5785
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 14-09
Case Name :HEARING ACTION: QC 369, LLC - Consolidated PUD & Related Map Amendment @ Square 369
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 14-12
Case Name :HEARING ACTION: EAJ 1309 5th Street, LLC - 1st-Stage & Consolidated PUD & Related Map Amendment @ Square 3591
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 06-10B
Case Name :MISCELLANEOUS: The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation - Status & Phasing Report
Result :
Case Number :Z.C. Case No. 14-13
Case Name :HEARING ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment re: Rooftop Penthouse Regulations for All Non-Low Density Residential Development
Result :

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