
Friday, July 18, 2014

Tomato Heaven at this Sunday's Bloomingdale Farmers Market

Subject: Tomato Heaven
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:56:42 -0400

Good morning BFM fans,

Hey, tomato lovers, our BFM  producers have 30 different varieties of tomatoes this Sunday.  Just a few names to try: early girls; yellow, red and Italian romas, yellow, red and chocolate cherry, brandywine, cherokee purple, pruden's purple, copia, lucky cross, azoychka, juane flame, pink ping pong, ceylon, stupice, black prince, striped german, indigo rose, mortgage lifter, great white, striped cavern, and a huge selection of the grape and cherry varieties.

Make this every week: Roasted Red and Yellow Peppers.  I roasted 3 large red peppers until they blackened, steamed off the skins by putting them in a bowl covered with a plate for 20 minutes, rubbed off the skins and removed the seeds, sliced the peppers and marinated them in olive oil and garlic.  They ooze pepper juice as well which mixes well with the olive oil.  Instant base for a pasta sauce, a soup, a  red pepper and chevre dip and many other dishes. including the popular Romesco sauce. A great secret ingredient.  Essence of summer.   If you have a grill going, grill the peppers and then proceed.

I used the peppers to flavor green beans this week .  I simmered the beans in salted water with a big clove of violet garlic and two quarter’s chunk of ginger.  Drained the beans, mashed the garlic and ginger into a paste and mix with the chopped red pepper, their oil and the beans.   Add more olive oil to taste. Top with fresh mint and drizzle with lemon.  Spicy from the ginger and everyone loved it.   Very easy recipe and the chopped peppers and ginger give it an unusual twist.

COOKING DEMO THIS WEEK at 11:  This weekend, stop by to meet the culinary adventurer and food blogger,  Bloomingdalian Jessica van Dop deJesus. She’ll be bringing globally inspired flair to our local market, and whipping up some tasty salads and dressings using the freshest summer bounty BFM farmers have to offer. Instagram/Pinterest/Twitter @DCRepatriate


at 11, as always.  The tent goes up and the bike gurus take out their wrenches for your steads.  Spread the word.  Free.


REID:  White and Yellow Nectarines and Peaches and berries of all colors.   Apricots and sugar plums.  Summer at Reid. Lodi apples to make traditional Amish applesauce.  What about the gooseberries? Summon up your inner Brit and try those gooseberries in a fool, or a tart, or another English sweet.

IVY BRAND:  All certified organic, their farm is just a stone’s throw from the Chesapeake Bay. Lots of tomatoes and squash, beans, peppers, baby salads, greens. Cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, beets, chard, kale, garlic, scallions, onions, eggplants, peppers of all colors, hot peppers, baby head lettuce.

GARNER: Corn, yellow and red peppers  (grill and peel them and marinate in oil and garlic), blackberries, lots tomatoes, purslane (so refreshing with salad and a light lemon vinaigrette, okra, chard, arugula, beets, 6 kinds of summer squash, potatoes (red, white and Yukon), green and yellow beans, lots of eggplants , hot and sweet peppers.  Sun melons, watermelons, cantaloupes

TRUCK PATCH: salad central with their arugula, mesclun mix, chard, spinach, beets with greens, tomatoes, green beans and pork central too.  Lots of pastured pork in all cuts plus dozens of sausages, bacons,   Grill or smoke ribs, cutlets, shoulder. Chicken, Turkey

 KESWICK:  So many tomatoes and so many cheeses to pair with them.  Whether you are making a Bloomingdale version of the classic Caprese tomato salad with Keswick's Caporella (is it a mozz? is it a burrata, a bit of both) or a grilled tomato sandwich with a nice melty Vermeer, or a stuffed tomato topped with one of the 6 new goat-cow mixed milk cheeses, there will be plenty of choice at the stand.  And don't forget how well the yogurt goes with both fruit and grilled vegetables (seasoned with garlic and salt and mint).  I am especially keen on a chilled cucumber yogurt soups with crushed walnuts to add texture.

Cherry, Peach or Blueberry Pie. Or pick up a Kale and Feta or Tomato, Roasted Garlic and Goat Cheese Quiche.

NUMBER 1 SONS: pickles for all your barbecues, kimchi for your devilled eggs, European krauts for your sausages and pork, curtidos, for your veggie tacos, dilly beans, masala beets.

PANORAMA: French style breads and pastries from French bakers in Alexandria.  Croissants, Danish, breakfast pastries, Breton specialities, sourdough breads, pumpernickel raisin, Walnut wheat, baguettes…

Please spread the word about our Produce Plus Program.  Just show your Medicaid card, or SNAP/EBT Food Stamps, WIC or Senior FMNP or a Commodity Food Supplemental Card and get $10 in checks for fruits and vegetable.  And there is more.  We match that with an additional $10 in bonus tokens for fruits, vegetables, meat, cheese and eggs. So you can get $20 a week (while the funds last) to buy fruits and vegetables every week at BFM.

Ted, Ted, Stephanie and Robin from afar

Robin Shuster
14&U Farmers' Market 
Bloomingdale Farmers' Market

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