
Monday, July 28, 2014

Vision McMillan Partners 07-28-2014 update

Subject: McMillan Update
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:24:59 +0000

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We hope you and your family have had a relaxing and enjoyable summer thus far. Our team would like to thank you again for your engagement and provide some updates as we continue through the entitlement process.

For those who were unable to attend the Zoning Commission hearings in May, the Vision McMillan Partners team presented at five public Zoning hearings that included renderings and detailed plans of over 6 acres of open park space, a 17,000 sq ft community center, affordable housing for seniors and a full service grocery store, among other exciting elements of the vision for a New McMillan. All interested parties and individuals were provided an opportunity to testify in front of the Commission at each hearing.

Following the hearings, the commission asked our team to follow up on specific items in more detail or provide additional renderings, studies and clarification of many elements presented. This is typical procedure. In response, we provided, for example expanded traffic mitigation tactics, revised building designs and a finalized list of community amenities supported by ANC 5E.

The full post hearing submission documents can be found on our website here.

Stay tuned for future emails and visit us on Facebook for regular updates and highlights.


Anne L. Corbett, Project Director
Vision McMillan Partners
McMillan Sand Filtration site today
Envision McMillan
If you haven’t seen it, now is a good time to check out the Vision Video.
Copyright © 2014 Vision McMillan Partners, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have expressed interest in getting updates related to Vision McMillan Partner's plan to transform the McMillan property into a model 21st century community.

Our mailing address is:
Vision McMillan Partners
1508 U St, NW
WashingtonDC 20009

1 comment:

  1. So the grocey store was just anothe failure in this miserable plan. there areno medical office tenants as well, because this is purely corrupt real estate speculation. Let's get behind this disaster and let global warming get further out of control. If you have children shame on you!

    The post opinion column should be honest and have a rendering of the monstrous blocks of buildings and not totally eliminate a realistic view of the plan. Opinion , editorial or news item, he excludes all kinds of negatives, but the question of public land for public needs, just goes unanswered, as does gross malfeasance in office, and theft of services..unequal distribution of resources and what any gracious healthy city needs in open and green space. They can't find park space in overbuilt NOMA even with $50 million to spend, so what kind of corruption of sound planning practice covers McMillan with dense concrete buildings , violating all environmental common sense. realestate/mcmillan-plan- combines-preservation-urban- design-and-inventive- architecture/2014/07/31/ 32bc876e-0cfb-11e4-b8e5- d0de80767fc2_story.html

    Please see my recent post on Washington Post Real Estate section opinion column by Roger K. Lewis

    "This fascinating site (have you been on a tour?) does not sit there uselessly or keep a barbed wire fence up by spontaneous fabrication. Successive DC administrations have spent $250,000 a year to maintain this barrier. You probably have not enjoyed a tour, including the mystical underground masonry galleries
    because your Deputy Mayor for "Planning" and Economic Development has blocked public access to public land, fearing the protective response of hundreds of visitors. You can choose to reward malfeasance in office, abuse of power and theft of enjoyment by your own elected and appointed "officials", I choos e to punish corruption.
    They don't own it and their "stewardship" is criminal, $1000 a day for lawn mowing and graffiti removal when upper NW has 5 times the green park space.The city has flushed over $50 million down the toilet on their fence and neglect of our property, already, so don't cry we need revenue.
    That park, and sustainable agriculture, a Wolf Trap style outdoor concert hall, a skating rink, a Glen Echo art/performance residency, and anything else people want to do with THEIR PARK is possible. It is being done all over the world, Seattle, New York, Paris, Istanbul, Indianapolis and can be "community owned" as it already is.

    Interesting that the Cyber yuppies that are so brilliant with computers, have to beg Nanny state for their food and little plazas and "dog Parks". See to get park space in DC it is better to be a dog. The city government doesn't care about people, or anything east of 16th Street, been this way forever!
    Isn't it racial, and economic class discrimination that has made the west section beautiful and the east a hot dense failed infrastructure of raw sewage flooding, and treated like a commodity to this day, to be traded to corporations. Get real, this is a World Capitol and our parks, and community activities should represent that, just like Senator McMillan planned with Olmsted and the Cities Beautiful Movement over 100 years ago. If you want to support the heat island, carbon emitting environmental waste of this fascinating public land for a hideous "National Harbor" God willing you wake up soon and ask how to do much better for your family and children.
