
Saturday, August 02, 2014

Roger K. Lewis captures the sentiment

See this tweet:

Academia weighs in on McMillan redevelopment plan

I do think that this single panel aptly captures the two major positions regarding the development of McMillan.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to disagree Scott. I think you know that I personally don't support the project but I also don't believe that it should be a 25-acre park because that doesn't seem to be what the community wants.

    I feel like quips like this are just an easy way to try to dumb down this discussion and try to simplify it for anyone that doesn't take an active interest but wants to sound opinionated on the topic.

    Take for example the opinion of our Councilmember McDuffie. He qualifies his support for the project on the grounds of the need for jobs and affordable housing, both fair and easy positions to stand behind in this city. However, in reality, the affordable housing components miss nearly all the targets in his land surplus bill that HE proposed, and there is a very good chance that the jobs generated by this project for DC residents will not even qualify them to live in the cheapest affordable housing units on the site (projecting a number of jobs under $50,000 a year whereas 50% AMI is over $50,000 a year). Again, a simplistic, easy, and inaccurate way of characterizing a position.

    This frustrates me personally because a newspaper like the Washington Post should actually take the time to become more informed on the topic. This article and this writer made no effort to do so.

    Just my two cents.

    Mathew Bader
    BCA MAG Representative
