
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mat Bader: Mayor's Agent transcript and McMillan Land Disposition and Surplus Bills

Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:55:20 -0400
Subject: Mayor's Agent Transcript and McMillan Land Disposition and Surplus Bills
From: Mat Bader


I don't know if you can post this or not but attached is a copy of the transcript from the first Mayor's Agent hearing.
In addition, as mentioned by Kenyan McDuffie's deputy chief of staff Ronan Gulstone, the land surplus and disposition bills for McMillan have been sent to the Council for review.  The bills before the Council are PR20-1081, PR20-1082, PR20-1083, and PR20-1084.  All of the materials submitted to the Council appear to be available on the Legislative Information Management System (LIMS) as alluded to by Mr. Gulstone.
The link is:
People should click on 'Introduction.'



Here the accompanying Email from HPO's Tim Denee:

From: "Dennee, Timothy (OP)" <>
Date: Oct 22, 2014 3:15 PM
Subject: FW: Mayor's Agent Hearing Oct 6, 2014
Please find attached the transcript of the first part of the Mayor's Agent hearing on the proposed raze permit for McMillan Park Reservoir.  The final part of the hearing shall be held Monday, November 3 beginning at 9:30 a.m.   The hearing will be in the same room, Room 4302 at 1100 4th Street SW, fourth floor.
This email is addressed to all who have contacted us regarding this hearing and for whom I have an email address.  Please feel free to share the transcript as you wish.  A second transcript will be produced following the November 3 testimony.
Tim Dennee
District of Columbia Historic Preservation Office
1100 4th Street, SW
Suite E650
Washington, D.C.  20024
fax 202-442-7638


1 comment:

  1. The District government craps all over democracy again and again. Sets up "surplus " legislation before the Mayor's Agent even hears opposition. The "surplus law" says "to increase competition", if there was competition we wouldn't be faced with this talentless crew of marginal urban designers and The Monstrosity on Michigan Ave. they are assaulting the city with. The surplus law requires the Mayor todeclare the 25 acres of publicly owned land has "no public use". Mayor Gray is one of the biggest biggest sleaze balls in the world, so he is ready to lie about this, no problem. No public use, how about the fence he keeps up? Tell your council member you want the park, and keep the criminals out, Gray, Bowser, Jeff Miller and VMP!
    Cleptocracy, dictatorship and corruption and the putrid arrogance of abuse of power. WHO IS MINDING THE FOX?
    The City Council testimony below, by Brookland resident, landscape architect Mary Pat Rowan, exposed the Jamie Fontaine Company "astroturf" sleaze campaign, hired by Deputy Mayor Jeff Miller and Visionless McMillan Partners , to suppress DC community input into the McMillan Park issue.

    Testimony to Muriel Bowser Chair of the City Council Committee on
    Economic Development. This link goes to the testimony on McMillan Park
    from February 11, 2014
