
Friday, October 31, 2014

Monday, 11-03-2014: Mayor's Agent hearing part 2 on McMillan

Here is a link to the blog post that advises about the scheduled date for the continued Mayor's Agent hearing (courtesy of Bloomingdale resident Mat Bader). 

And here is the transcript from the first Mayor's Agent hearing on McMillan held on Monday, 10-06-2014:

1 comment:

  1. I got to a point in the transcript where Martine Combal our interim director for Real Estate blatantly lies about the federal sale of McMillan to the district in 1986. She certainly follows in the footsteps of our dishonest former director Jeff Miller.
    On the Mayor's Agent hearing,
    How does the Deputy Director for Real Estate for DMPED, Martine Combal testify that the "US GSA insisted on selling the property for mixed commercial development" ?
    What about the covenants, and the Federal govt. offering the property for free if DC agreed to no development. Free if we agreed to covenants to maintain McMillan as green space and nominate for Historic Registry?
    The new Director of Real Estate for DMPED lied under oath at the Mayor's Agent hearing. National Trust for Historic Preservation has been testifying, and sending letters for years about the Federal governments covenants to preserve the green space, then this DC hack lies straight out of the gate at the Mayor's Agent hearing. What a city where one man hand picked by a criminal mayor, gets to decide the fate of a 2 billion dollar deal for corrupt developers, and corrupt DC government officials, wild!
    Ms. Combal is an excellent replacement for Jeff Miller, promoted to Deputy Mayor at DMPED after he lied to Muriel Bowser Committee on Economic Development Hearing,,,hey they're all lieing. What a city?

    If the VMP plan is so wonderful, why do they illegally hire a Baltimore PR firm to fake grass roots support. Bowser is co-conspirator, she doesn't even know what is going on at McMillan, providing miserable oversight. She facilitates lies by Jeff Miller the VMP project manager and now Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. She said "city money paying for PR campaign looks bad to the public", DMPED oversight City Council Committee on Economic Development, Feb, 11, 2014. He lies to her and says DMPED didn't pay for the PR campaign that's goal is "neutralize opposition, and "create the appearance of community support for VMP".
    This was Unethical PR campaign to subvert community opposition to VMP,
    Please see the City Council hearing video below, Brookland residents landscape architect Mary Pat Rowan and historic restoration artist Daniel Wolkoff testify to Muriel Bowser Chair of the City Council Committee on Economic Development. This link goes to the testimony on McMillan Park from February 2014
    They can all share a dormitory at Federal Prison Camp with Mayor Gray, play scrabble, do arts and crafts and yoga. Train seeing eye dogs,,,prosecute this conspiracy to Defraud our city, Ronald Machen,,, we are testing your resolve!!
