
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

WBJ: "McMillan by the numbers: How much 2 million square feet will cost to build, and how long it will take"

Click on the link to read the entire Washington Business Journal post.

First, see his tweet that directs to the post below:

McMillan term sheet, LDA released ahead of 11/12 Council surplus hearing. Tons of info: cost, phasing, funding.

Oct 28, 2014, 11:50am EDT UPDATED: Oct 28, 2014, 4:12pm EDT
Staff Reporter-Washington Business Journal   
Less than a week after the D.C. Zoning Commission approved the McMillan Sand Filtration Plant planned-unit development, the District started the process of turning the land over to its development partners. The first step: persuading the D.C. Council to declare the 24.7 acres as surplus — that is, no longer necessary for public use
I've dug through the pages, so you don't have to [again, click on the link above to see what Michael Neibauer says about each of the bullet points below.].
  • Where is McMillan
  • Who will redevelop McMillan
  • What the vertical construction entail
  • Will the multifamily be apartments or townhomes
  • What McMillan is worth
  • What McMillan will sell for
  • How much it will cost to develop McMillan
  • Where the money will come from:
  • Why the District doesn't need the site
  • Why the District wants McMillan developed
  • What the opposition says
  • Was McMillan a park
  • How many jobs the project will create
  • What is the timing

1 comment:

  1. The Washington Business Journal arrogance against the needs of the people of DC is atrocious! The City Council testimony below, by Brookland resident, landscape architect Mary Pat Rowan, exposed the Jamie Fontaine Company "astroturf" sleaze campaign, hired by Deputy Mayor Jeff Miller and Visionless McMillan Partners , to suppress DC community input into the McMillan Park issue.

    Testimony to Muriel Bowser Chair of the City Council Committee on
    Economic Development. This link goes to the testimony on McMillan Park
    from February 11, 2014
