
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

zip code 20001: "Trendsetters"

Click on the link to read the * entire * Washington Post article.

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Are you a ‘trendsetter’? ‘Top tier’? How marketers see D.C. residents

 October 21 at 4:18 PM


Here is the description for our zip code 20001:


Believing that "you're only young once", we're living life to the fullest, unfettered by home and vehicle ownership, and not ready to settle down. We're young, educated singles with good jobs who spend our disposable income on upscale city living and entertainment – mostly on rent. Even though we're spenders, we seek financial advice and are building our investment portfolios. Dressed head to toe in the most current fashions, we fill our weeknights and weekends with discovering local art and culture, dining out, or exploring new hobbies. We must be connected at all times; texting and social media are essential for communication and keeping up with our social lives. E-readers and tablets are preferred for everything except women's fashion and epicurean magazines which must be in print. We shop at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's for quick, organic meals. - See more at:

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