
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bloomingdale's St. Martin of Tours Church mentioned in WaPo article about Pope's Mass raffle tickets

Click on the link to read the entire Washington Post article.

St. Martin's stained glass window


‘Divine’ raffle tickets for the Pope’s Mass go to one church’s lucky few


And, lo, the word went forth after the noon Mass at St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church: The winners of the pope ticket raffle had been chosen!
Danielle Brown got a text message, then a phone call, while she was in the car coming from the market. She had won a ticket.
She thought folks were messing with her. They weren’t.
Jonathan Badrian got a voice mail message from pastor Michael Kelley, who had organized the raffle. Badrian had won a ticket. His wife checked her phone messages. She got one, too. It was “divine,” her husband said.
Karen Cotton Gross was sitting in church, way in the back, when they picked the names from wicker baskets two Sundays ago. She was thinking that she never got picked for anything, when she heard her name called. “Oh!” she said. “That’s me!”
Father Michael Kelley

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