
Monday, September 07, 2015

lost kitten on the unit block of Bryant Street NW

Subject: Posting request on Bloomingdale List Serve Re Lost Kitten
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2015 17:27:53 -0400
Tuxedo Kitten APB — Beautifully cute and very affectionate but slightly idiotic kitten on the loose. Black with white paws and white on face with a red collar. Name is Alfalfa or Rocky, depending upon who you ask, but generally answers to anything including all the typical cooing sounds. Very comfortable around strangers and their food. Is supposed to be domiciled on the unit block of Bryant Street,NW but has runner tendencies, so I’m not exactly sure where he is now. I assume he’s not running back to the pound, but . . . .
If you see him, please give James a call or text at 202 then 316 then 6316. Rocky is a runner, so if you see him, please shelter/capture him and I’ll be there as soon as possible.  

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to report him as lost to the Humane Society in case he gets picked up so that they can contact you!
