
Thursday, September 10, 2015

McMillan Advisory Group (MAG) meeting tonight, Thursday, 09-10-2015

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 12:40:19 -0700
Subject: Re: Scott, our September MAG meeting announcement, consider posting in the Bloomingdale blog -Kirby

    McMillan Advisory Group (MAG)
    Thursday September 10, 7PM
    Summit Apartments,
    2nd Floor Conference Room
    116 T St. NE
    (opposite McKinley, Langley schools)
     Open to the public
Proposed tentative agenda items (final agenda will
be determined at the very beginning of the meeting) (There
was no MAG meeting in August):

- Role of the MAG in the McMillan development process
- Dept. of Transportation and the traffic study we requested
- Grocery store letter of intent received
- Mayor’s Agent (subdivision) decision
- The Olmsted walk including VMP presentation of
  site plan and drawings of buildings near the north service court
Kirby Vining, MAG Chair,, 202 213 2690
The MAG meets  on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7PM USUALLY at All Nations Baptist Church, 2001 North Capitol St., NE (corner of Rhode Island Ave. NE).  All meetings 
are open to the public. 

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