
Monday, March 04, 2019

Bloomingdale Civic Association letter to the HPRB regarding the BCA vote on the design of the 1600 North Capitol Street NW development project

See this message and letter penned by Bloomingdale Civic Association President Teri Janine Quinn:

I sent a note to the HPRB to confirm our vote on 1600 N Cap.

Our position is already noted in the record but this will serve as an official confirmation and acknowledgment of our position.

From: tj quinn 
Subject: HPA 19-154 1600 N Cap - Bloomingdale Civic Association
Date: March 4, 2019 at 10:14:58 AM EST
To: Steve Calcott <>

Mr. Callcott,

Please find a letter attached providing the BCA’s finding in this matter.


Teri Janine Quinn
President, Bloomingdale Civic Association


  1. Totally shocking!!!! The out of touch, Bloomingdale Assoc. does not support the development of 1600 North Cap. Please I hope the city moves forward and buildings. SAD SAD SAD PEOPLE!!!

  2. Some clarification is needed here. The Bloomingdale Civic Association did not vote to oppose the development of the Joe Mamo lot -- 1600 North Capitol Street NW. The BCA voted against the proposed exterior design of the building presented by the developer. Not SAD SAD SAD.

  3. Pretty sure Bloomingdale has been in support of developing that corner since before I moved here almost 20 years ago. What isn't supportable is a building that looks like it was airlifted in from Reston Town Center circa early 90s.

    Just because people have waiting that long for development, doesn't mean we should be satisfied by retail design that screams for a Blockbuster rental store.

    Joe Mamo is the cheapest bastard this side of Ebenezer Scrooge. If he has to recycle architecture, then at least hire whomever did the Homewood Suites project which belongs in this century.

    Also, if (when) he doesn't follow through on his commitment for delivering in June of this year, fine the h*ll out of him. He deserves that, plus a visit from the ghosts of Christmases Past, Present, and Future.
