
Thursday, March 07, 2019

DC Water's Bryant Street NW Alternative Parking Area (APA) for the current NEBT project

From: Hadiah Jordan
Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2019 6:34 PM
Subject: DC Water's Bryant Street Alternative Parking Area Resumes

Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project
Bryant Street Alternative Parking Area
March 7, 2019


Bryant Street Alternative Parking Area

As the Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project (NEBT) initiates work in the Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park neighborhoods, we will resume using DC Water's Bryant Street Equipment Yard as the Bryant Street Alternative Parking Area (APA). The APA is being made available to offset the loss of parking due to NEBT construction. Residents who live near the First Street NW, T Street NW, and Florida Avenue NW Construction Sites are eligible for parking at the APA.

While the location of the Bryant APA is not as close to residents as desired, it is the only space currently available to DC Water. If anyone knows of a better location please share this information with us.

We have mailed information about the APA to addresses listed below.

Addresses Eligible:
  • North Capitol Street NW between Seaton Place NW and U Street NW
  • The unit block of U Street NW between North Capitol Street NW and First Street NW
  • The 1900 block of First Street NW between U Street NW and Thomas Street NW
  • The 100 block of Thomas Street NW between First Street NW and Second Street NW
  • The 200 block of T Street NW between Second Street NW and Third Street NW
  • The 1700 and 1800 blocks of Third Street NW between T Street NW and S Street NW
  • The 200 block of S Street NW between Second Street NW and Third Street NW
  • The unit and 100 blocks of Seaton Place NW between North Capitol Street NW and Second Street NW

Bryant Street Alternative Parking Area Map
The Bryant Street Alternative Parking Area Map below indicates in the gray shaded area the streets eligible to utilize the APA.

If you live in the area of parking eligibility shown on the map above and have not received a letter of eligibility, please contact us at

Beginning on March 11, 2019, we ask that residents currently using the area designated as a Residential Parking Permit (RPP), begin parking your vehicles in other RPP areas in the neighborhood.

Below is a summary of the phases of use for the site.

Bryant Street Alternative Parking Area
Phases 1 through 4 

Phase 1, February - September 2016: DC Water’s Clean Rivers Project (DCCR) used an interior portion of the site, as well as the exterior spaces adjacent to 2nd Street NW as an Alternative Parking Area (APA) for the First Street Tunnel Project.
Phase 2, October 2016 - February 2017: DC Water’s Small Diameter Water Main Replacement Project used the site as an APA through the end of the construction project.
Phase 3, February 2017 - March 2019: The exterior portion of the site became a Residential Parking Permit area for Bloomingdale residents.
Phase 4, March 2019 - 2023: DCCR will resume using a portion of the interior and exterior as an APA for the Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project. The northern portion of the lot will be used by DC Water's Department of Water Services to store equipment.

Phase 4, 2023: DCCR will restore the exterior spaces to green space with trees and flowering shrubs. 

Bryant Street Alternative Parking Area
Restoration Plan

Northeast Boundary Tunnel
The Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) is the largest component of DC Water's Clean Rivers Project.  Chris, the Tunnel Boring Machine, started mining from south of RFK stadium and will extend north to Rhode Island Avenue, NE, and west to 6th Street, NW. The NEBT is a 5-mile tunnel section that will complete the Anacostia River Tunnel System by connecting to the First Street Tunnel and the Anacostia River Tunnel. Through this tunnel system combined sewer overflows (CSOs), that currently discharge to the Anacostia River, can travel by gravity a total of 13 miles down to DC Water's Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The Northeast Boundary Tunnel will significantly reduce chronic flooding in the northeast region of the District and increase the level of removal of CSOs from the Anacostia River from 88% to 98%.

Thank you for your patience during this critical project.

For More Information 
24/7 Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project Hotline: (800) 988-6151
Northeast Boundary Tunnel Project:
DC Clean Rivers Project:

Copyright © 2019 DC Clean Rivers Project, All rights reserved.
Your contact information is on the First Street Tunnel Stakeholder Database.

Our mailing address is:
DC Clean Rivers Project
5000 Overlook Avenue SW
Washington, Dc 20032

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