
Friday, May 17, 2019

carjacking at gunpoint in the alley of the unit block of U Street NW, northside -- Monday, 05-13-2019

The Email thread below is between a contractor and a neighborhood property owner -- the property in question is on the unit block of U Street NW, northside.

I received this disturbing message from my contractor who is renovating my place [on the unit block of U Street NW.]   Any good ideas about getting the word out?  The video isn’t great, in terms of identifying someone, but it may be worth sharing.  Thanks!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: contractor
Date: Fri, May 17, 2019 at 12:47 PM
Subject: Police Report

Monday this week around 8 AM our foreman was carjacked at gun point at your home in the alley as he got out of his car to open the rear gate. He filed a police report and has spoken to two police officers/detectives. He has since found his car himself, randomly, and the police now have his car in their possession. 

Today, it appears the same criminal has returned to the back alley and is harassing our workers as he videotaped them in plain site and mocked them as he waived his phone at them during the video tape. I drove around the block for an hour today hoping to find the guy and notify the police but no such luck. Just wanted to let you know about this as we battle this situation. Our guys are pretty nervous about working in this site at the moment but we're still there. If there's anything you can do please let me know. I attached a video our guy took today as he videotaped him as well. 

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