
Sunday, May 19, 2019

today in LeDroit Park: Tricia Lynn McCauley Public Herb Garden Ribbon Cutting dedication

From: Marcella Kriebel
Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2019 1:28 PM
Subject: Tricia Lynn McCauley Public Herb Garden Ribbon Cutting

Hi everyone,                                       

I‘d like to invite you to the dedication of the Tricia McCauley Public Herb Garden and to sincerely thank you all your support of this project.  Many of you donated online, attended a public fundraiser, and gave your time, talents and resources to help make this new growing space a reality. 

Please join us to dedicate this special place to Tricia. 

Sunday, May 19th
Community Garden at Ledriot Park (next to Commons Good City Farm)

This past November through March we raised enough to construct the garden, designed by architect, Greg Upwall.  Bryan Simmons of Green Room DC built the dry stack stone walls with his team over one chilly week in March.  As I write this, the Common Good City Farm Herbs Specialist, Holly Poole-Kavana, is beginning to plant and transplant dozens of medicinal and kitchen herbs into the space.   Right away, this new garden will serve as a public resource and space for Holly to utilize for the Community Herbs program at Common Good City Farm - a program that Tricia started in 2010.  

Here is the program she is teaching~

This garden for our friend began as an idea almost three years ago, and I’m heartened that collectively we’ve made it reality, and can honor Tricia this way.  We are creating a public resource for community grown herbs while celebrating the life of TLM and planting more plants.

Photos of the build are attached, and I hope to see you on the 19th.

Please share this invitation, all are welcome ❤️

Love and thanks,

Marcie Kriebel 

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