
Saturday, May 04, 2019

Ward 5 Report: Environmental justice for the residents of Brentwood

From: Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2019 12:38 PM
Ward 5 Report: Environmental Justice for the Residents of Brentwood


I am proud to have passed the CleanEnergy DC Omnibus Amendment of 2018 Act which moves the District away from polluting sources of energy, protects low- and moderate-income residents, and supports small and local businesses. Even before we passed that bill, DC was named the first LEED for Cities Platinum city in the world by the U.S. Green Building Council.

While I am proud that Washington, DC is seen as a leader in protecting the environment, you wouldn’t know it if you drove down Brentwood Parkway NE in the summer and experienced the odor emanating from the trash transfer station located at W Street NE.

I have been working to close that facility since I took office and we are now on the verge of doing so, but I need your help.

There is an important hearing on Monday, May 13 and I need residents from all over DC, in particular Ward 5, to go on the official record and demand environmental justice for Brentwood and Ward 5! The legislation would have the District buy the property from the current owner and build a warehouse on the site to meet the District’s storage needs.

To testify, you must sign up in advance which you can do by simply emailing or by calling (202) 724-8053 by the close of business on Thursday, May 9. My staff is going door to door on the blocks adjacent to the facility to spread the word and if you would like to share this information with a neighbor, you can download a printable flyer here.

I’ll see you on May 13th.



Councilmember McDuffie on Angie Ange in the Morning

Councilmember McDuffie was on Angie Ange in the Morning to discuss why Howard University is a special place and the importance of the respect for our city's history.

Legislative News - Budget Update

On May 1, Councilmember McDuffie chaired a meeting of the Committee on Business and Economic Development where the committee adopted its budget report for the fiscal year 2020. You received an email detailing that report yesterday, but if you missed that information, you can review it here. Some highlights are contained in the images above.

Each Council committee has passed a similar report for agencies under its purview. Those reports will be combined and voted on by the entire Council twice. Those votes are currently scheduled to take place May 14 and May 28.

Update on Racial Equity Legislation

Watch Councilmember McDuffie's opening statement at last week's hearing on his racial equity legislation.

Read coverage of the hearing on Councilmember McDuffie's racial equity legislation in this week's AFRO:

Join Kenyan Monday to Kickoff Small Business Week

Kenyan in the Community

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