
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

base of the James McMillan Memorial Fountain and pieces now at the McMillan development site

Content and images provided by Brookland resident Daniel Wolkoff:

The base of the Senator James McMillan Memorial Fountain is sitting behind the Gilbane construction office, surrounded by pieces of the memorial.

See these images:

Plus, a recent image of the site:


  1. Credit for this mess goes to the so-called Friends of McMillan Park. They are doing their best to ensure that NOTHING gets built here. Shame on the district for allowing this to continue.

  2. The way we recover from this vindictive de-nuding and trashing of the Olmsted landscape design at McMillan is to start an urban agriculture program and reclaim the top soil by composting and creating the urban gardening and "verticsal agriculture" in the 20 acres subteranean cisterns. We have to stop the demolition and start a unitary 25 acre public urban green space for all our families. A DC Wolf Trap concert stage, and urban conservation corp at McMillan. Community building for the youth and for all those new babies in strollers around Bloomingdale. I saw so many joggers last week, and young families, They would be smart to stop the land theft and call the park their own, . public land for public needs, stop the corruption by Bowser and McDuffie and Mendo "the clown".
