
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Bloomingdale Civic Association Coronavirus message

See this 03-28-2020 message from the Bloomingdale Civic Association executive board:

Neighbors -

These are indeed trying (and strange) times. The Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA) wants neighbors to know we are here and want to assist.

Your number one go-to resource for all things related to the COVID-19 virus and the District of Columbia is the Mayor's website for coronavirus.

Building off the solid work of our neighbors (thank you Brookland and Eckington Civic Associations!), please find a curated guide to resources HERE for Bloomingdale residents and the surrounding community. This is by no means an exhaustive reference, however we believe this quick reference guide touches on the main areas of interest for residents.

Information is fluid, so please feel free to contact us if there is additional or new information that may be helpful to neighbors.

Upcoming BCA meetings: Effective until mid-May 2020, our meeting location at Saint George’s Episcopal Church will not be available to hold our monthly meeting. The BCA Executive Board is currently exploring alternative means to convene a public meeting, to include video conferencing options. We will provide an update soonest...stay tuned.

Stay safe. Stay home. Stay healthy!

P.S. Since we’re staying home, this is a great time to remind everyone to check your mail for your US Census survey. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete. This pandemic is expected to have a significant impact on our economy on both a national and local level. That will likely lead to some difficult decisions next budget season which makes it even more important for everyone in Bloomingdale to be counted.

Bloomingdale Civic Association
Executive Board

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