
Tuesday, March 03, 2020

GGW post: "Will development at the AFRH mesh with the city, or be another planning disaster?"

Click on the link to read the entire Greater Greater Washington blog post.

The AFRH site is located due north of Bloomingdale and the hospital complex.

Will development at the Armed Forces Retirement Home mesh with the city, or be another planning 


The federal government has a deal with a development team to build virtually a whole new neighborhood on a portion of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, the large 272-acre estate off North Capitol Street. So far, we otherwise don’t know a lot about what they’re planning, and what happens could be great for DC or deepen what’s already a cluster of examples of atrocious planning.

1 comment:

  1. I hear 5000 parking spaces at AFRH and more office footage than the Pentagon, the largst office building in the world.If we had any decent urban planning there would be new mass transit up North Capitol, Save McMillan park, a monorail or light rail, and the AFRH thousands of new residents would not need a car, just metro to Union Station and Regan National, but the district is not about urban planning it is about corrupt sardine packing in new units for the rich and letting the rest of us pay the costs to our quality of life.
