
Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Dragon newsletter from St. George's Episcopal Church -- Palm Sunday, 03-28-2021

From: Saint Georges DC <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 5:00 PM
Subject:  The Dragon

News You Can Use



The Dragon e-Newsletter Weekly


St. George's Episcopal Church


Palm Sunday ~ March 28, 2021


160 U Street Washington DC 20001


This Parish of the Episcopal / Anglican Church was founded in 1930 as an Episcopal Church for African Americans. St. George's witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as expressed through the Anglican Tradition. We serve as a guiding light for our parishioners as well as the larger community.  We bid you welcome in the name of the Lord! 


Priest-in-Charge: The Rev Marilyn Jenkins

Associate Priest: The Rev Yolanda Rolle


MLAY Scholarship


The deadline for submission of applications for the MLAY 2021 Scholarship Program closed on March 13. Eighty-three applications have been received -- a record number! The Committee is in the review and ranking process and applicants will be notified by May 1. 


Multi-year scholarship applicants will receive the Committee’s decision during the first week in June.

Thanks for the assistance provided by the members of the church in moving this project forward.


Jan Barrow, Executive Director



This Sunday, Palm Sunday, begins our entry into Holy Week. Pick up your palms at St. George's Conversation court:

Friday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Please join us for all of our services during Holy Week. Holy Week Services can be found on our web:

Sunday Schedule

The Next Sunday Service in Church will be determined by Public Health Indicators and implemented in a phased approach

7:30 a.m.      

Holy Eucharist RITE I with Sermon -- The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


8:30 a.m.

Hospitality Hour


9:00 a.m.      

Parish Choir Rehearsal        


9:00 a.m. - Conf. Room     

Bible Study with The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


10:00 a.m.  

Choral Holy Eucharist RITE II with Sermon -- The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


11:00 a.m.

Hospitality Hour 


Coming Up


Mar 28 - 9:00 a.m. Bible Study


Mar 28 - 9:45 a.m.

Zoom Worship


Mar 31 - 7:00 p.m. Lenten Bible Study


April 3 - 9:00 a.m. - Kwanzaa Kitchen


Join us in praying

Prayers for healing and wholeness have been asked here for the names of those who need our prayers.

Add a name here.


Parish Directory


Get Vaccinated


DC Registration:








The Examen

Ignatian Spirituality


Looking for a spiritual practice during Lent? Use The Examen just before bedtime to examine the day that has past following the five steps outlined on the card.


Download a PDF of the Card Here



West Wall in St. George's Nave


 If you cannot join us at noon on Fridays, please click the picture above or here for a pre-recorded Way of the Cross.

St. George's Stations of the Cross

Fridays at Noon


Please join us in praying

The Way of the Cross

Fridays in Lent at 12:00p.m. via Zoom.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 873 9991 8823

Passcode: 732302


Dial by your location

    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Click Here for the Program



Lenten Study

Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.


We Had a great first week on Lenten study with 18 parishioners joining. Please consider joining us.

Please join us as we study the book "Entering the Passion of Jesus." We will explore the biblical texts surrounding the Passion story to see how the text raises ethical and spiritual questions for us, and how we all face risk in our Christian experience. You will be guided each week with a chapter from the book, the Bible, and your clergy.


We welcome your presence every Wednesday evening in Lent at 7p.m. as we continue on this faith journey together.


Order your book through Amazon:


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 891 6259 5431

Passcode: 018378


Find your local number:



Becoming a member of St. George's

Not sure if you are a member?


Membership at St. George's including Baptisms, Transfers, Confirmations and Receptions.


We receive you into the household of God. Confess the faith of Christ crucified, proclaim his resurrection, and share with us in his eternal priesthood.

Book of Common Prayer, page 308


Please Contact the Rev. Marilyn Jenkins for more information.


Please see below for next class dates.



Spring 2021

"Toward Confirmation"

Diocesan Confirmation Saturday, May 1, 2021


If you would like to be Confirmed or Received into the Episcopal Church, if you want to know more, or if you have any questions at all, please join us in our spring confirmation classes. All are welcome no matter if you have been coming here for years or are just joining us. Please email the Rev. Jenkins if you would like to attend the classes. Please also let the Rev. Jenkins know if you want to be Confirmed or Received in May at the Cathedral.


Confirmation Class Dates:

6 Feb; 20 Feb; 6 Mar; and 20 Mar

BCP pg. 412



The Daily Office of Evening Prayer

Monday - Thursday Each Week

5:30 p.m.


Join St. George's for the Daily Office of Evening Prayer held Monday through Thursday at 5:30.


The Daily Office is an ancient practice that uses daily prayers to mark the times of the day. For Anglicans, this generally comes in the form of the two main offices of Daily Morning Prayer and Daily Evening Prayer.


The Purpose of the Daily Office: The sanctification of time – a reminder that all time is sacred since all time belongs to God and the sanctification of the individual – a way to draw a person closer to God.


Follow along with Evening Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer (Pg. 115)


Zoom ID: 837 1422 7302

Passcode:  139550



Stewardship 2021

Received as of March 21, 2021:

Pledges: 47

Amount: $194,346


St. George's needs your help. Please prayerfully consider your pledge in helping us reach our goal of 65 pledging units and $300,000.



Design a sacred space in your house for the elements.


You will receive the elements in the vessels pictured below which can be reverently stored in your sacred space.


Holy Communion


All those desiring to partake in receiving Holy Communion during our live-streamed service may pick up pre-consecrated elements at the church on Fridays between 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Or on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Please ring the bell at the side door and The Rev. Jenkins will bring you the elements. You will receive the elements in a container. Please handle the pre-consecrated elements with reverence and keep in a sacred place in your home.


We begin with Holy Communion in our Liturgy this Sunday.


If you cannot stop by the church please let The Rev Jenkins know so that delivery can be made. Please email:



This Sunday's Worship

St. George's ~ St. Luke's ~ Calvary


This Sunday, March 14, 2021 we will again worship via zoom joining St. Luke's and Calvary live. Please join us on Zoom if you can. Or you may join us on St. George's Facebook page as we will stream the Zoom worship live onto Facebook and on St. George's YouTube Channel.


Sunday Worship:

Date: March 21, 2021

Time: 9:45 a.m.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID number: 362-627-1076. If asked for password -- 001891


If you are calling in by cellphone, we ask you to use this number: 301-715-8592, meeting ID: 362-627-1076. 


If you must use landline to call in, use 1-877 -853-5247, meeting ID: 362-627-1076. Password is 001891 (this is toll-free, but it costs us)


St. George's Facebook Page Livestream Here


St. George's YouTube Channel Livestream Here



Missing Each Other?

Our Virtual Community


Please join in to chat with one another over Zoom. Catch up with one another, check in with one another, pray together, and be together as we can in this time.


This has been a lot of fun! Please join in to see and talk to those you love from St. George's.


5:00 p.m. Tuesday afternoons

Topic: Saint George's Social Time - Tuesday afternoons

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 1422 7302

Passcode: 139550

Find your local number:


10:00 a.m. Friday mornings.

Topic: Saint George's Social Time - Friday mornings

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 8516 5550

Passcode: 645407

By phone: +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)


Ways to Connect

Bible Study


Weekly Bible Study in Ordinary Time –  Bible Study continues via the online platform Zoom. Please join us on Sundays at 9:00 am as we explore and deepen our understanding of scriptures based on the Lectionary lessons. You don't have to know anything about the Bible - just bring your heart. We will meet virtually.


This Sunday we will study: No Bible Study Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday

Topic: Sunday Bible Study

Next Date:

April 11, 2021 09:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 9478 1138

Passcode  233923



Your Pledge or Plate


Thank you for your continued contributions during this time of closure. Your Priest-in-Charge and Vestry are very appreciative of anything and everything anyone has been able to do during this time of COVID-19.


There are several ways to continue to give during this time of closure in order for St. George's to meet our mission.


Mail: We are still receiving mail and ensuring that our banking is being taken care of. Please mail your pledge or plate to St. George's Episcopal Church, 160 U St. NW, Washington, DC 20001.


By Text: Texting is safe, convenient, and easy. Just text GIVESTG and amount to 73256.


Bill Pay: You can set this feature up with your bank. Please contact your bank with all options.


Electronically: You can set up with your bank an electronic transfer.


REALM: Donate to REALM here.

This is probably the best way if you have the capability to access REALM online. I know this was set up several years ago. However, I will send an invitation for you to set up your REALM access. When you receive this email, you must access your account in the first 48 hours. If you need help, please contact Jim Williams or The Rev Jenkins.



Outreach: Serving the Community



Kwanzaa Kitchen: Janis has been able to come up with a unique way in which we will continue to feed the hungry in this important ministry. It involves fewer than 6 people and we will pack the food to go and place it outside on tables for people to take their breakfast with them. We will continue this way until we are able to gather groups together again.





Prayer List


Those in our parish who are sick or recovering:

Florence Crawford, Vida Anderson, Margaret Wynn, Jane Oliver, Martha Jenkins, Jackline Vickerie, Janis Evans, Walter Austin, Evelyn McKinney,  Karen Turner, Anna Shelton, Barbara Collins, Judy Minor, Rosa White, James Henderson, Bernice Henderson, Ella Walker, Dorrette Prince, The Rev. Carlton Hayden, Joyce Harris, The Right Rev. Robert Wright, and Anne Valentine-Wilson


Those in our parish who are Housebound: 

Canary White, Lenora Thomas, and Florence Crawford


Our Friends and Family who are sick:

Robin James, Cheryl Johnsn, Joe Glotzbach, Chrisita Jackson, Pam Sebura, Sherri Evans, Ora Rosenboro, James Mewborn, Angela Pleasants, Patrick Hearn, Barbre Brunson, Joshua Hankerson, The Rev. Canon James Wynn, John Beulaurier, Keith Lake, Kelly Murray, Freda Oasin, Mark Mueller, Wayne Allen, Nahid Ataee, Rita Atterberry, Mary Cook, Thelma Edwards, James H. Gilmore, Gene Haley, Jamila Hinton, Colenzo Hubbart, Valerie Jackson, Edeston Leslie, Daisy McKinney, Joy McKinney, Alice McClamb, Jill Mitchell, Vance Monet, Jacquelyne Moody, Patricia Murray, Ricardo Oasin, Christina Shaw, Cedric Smith, Seleria Smith, Ray Thomas, William Thompson, Brenda Triplett, and Howard Williams


Those in need of our continual prayer for healing:

Carmen Campbell, Gregory Evans


Those who have died: t

Give rest, O Christ, to your servant(s) with your saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting.

And for those who mourn - Almighty God, Father of all mercies and giver of comfort: Deal graciously, we pray, with all who mourn; that, casting all their care on you, they may know the consolation of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP pg 505


Those in our parish celebrating a birthday this week:


Those in our parish celebrating an anniversary this week:


Those serving in the Armed Forces including those who are deployed, and for the Armed Forces Ministry of the Episcopal Church:


Friends and family of our parish who are deployed: 


I continue to hold all of you and St. George's in prayer. Also know that I am available to meet with people one-on-one online or by phone as needed. Questions regarding St. George's operations may be sent to me directly at







Saint George's Episcopal Church |


St.Georges DC | 160 U Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

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