
Monday, April 19, 2021

Stronghold: Community letter to DDOT regarding North Capitol Street traffic issues

This letter is on the agenda of tonight's Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting.

From: Doris Newton
Date: Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 11:01 PM
Subject: Community letter to DDOT regarding N. Capitol St. traffic issues-request your support
To: Terri Janine Quinn _Bloomingdale CA 

Greetings, Ms. Quinn,                                          

I received your email address from ANC Dianne Barnes. You and I had also met in the past at special topic community meetings. Please see the link to a letter below to DDOT voicing Stronghold neighborhood's concerns about traffic issues along North Capitol Street. The DDOT contact will be the current Interim Director.   

In as much as the traffic issues are also of concern to some Bloomingdale residents, would you please review the letter and add your signature at the bottom, if you agree?  Only sign your name and list your organization. No email address is required. We hope you will also consider sharing the letter with BCA members that may be interested in signing.  ANC Dianne Barnes has signed and will share the letter with other ANCs. 

We are testing how effectively we receive responses. It worked when I and others signed and hit submit. To date we have about 20 signatures. All signatures will be added to a list and attached to the letter to DDOT. I will share the final list of signatures with you.  

Please click on the link here and reply now and no later than Sunday, March  28: 

Remember to scroll to the bottom where you will see the line for your name, etc.  Then click submit.  We will keep you posted on how many names we received in support of this concern.  Thank you! 




Doris J. Newton
Stronghold Civic Association

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