
Sunday, May 23, 2021

once again, St. George's Episcopal Church combined worship with St. Luke's and Calvary -- Sunday, 05-23-2021

From: St. George's DC <>
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 8:50 AM
Subject: Join us for Today's Sunday Service at 0945 ~ St. George's ~ St. Luke's ~ Calvary 

Worship with us Today - 0945


St. George's Episcopal Church





Today's Sunday Worship

St. George's ~ St. Luke's ~ Calvary


Today, May 23, 2021 we will worship via zoom joining St. Luke's and Calvary live. St. Luke's and Calvary have been worshiping together since our closure began. They have invited us to join them. An alternative to joining on Zoom is to watch it live streamed on St. George's Facebook page. We will also post it to St. George's YouTube page for viewing post livestream.


Sunday Worship:

Date: May 23, 2021

Time: 9:45 a.m.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID number: 362-627-1076. If asked for password -- 001891


If you are calling in by cellphone, we ask you to use this number: 301-715-8592, meeting ID: 362-627-1076. 


If you must use landline to call in, use 1-877 -853-5247, meeting ID: 362-627-1076. Password is 001891 (this is toll-free, but it costs St. Luke's)


Presider: The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins

Preacher: The Rev. Yolanda Rolle


For our Sunday readings - click here for the Lectionary Readings.


Watch via Facebook Live Stream:



Bible Study

Today we will study: John 3:1-17

Topic: Sunday Bible Study

May 23, 2021 09:00 AM

Zoom Meeting ID: 863 9478 1138

Passcode: 233923




Join Us Today!!!


Please join the Transition Team as we continue our Parish-wide discussions. This month we will explore our connections in our community - the St. George's community, our local community, and the diocesan community. We will ask "What are our expectations of ourselves in the context of these three communities?"


Zoom ID: 832 7481 3554

Passcode: 291788






George Floyd

Memorial Service


Tuesday, May 25th marks the one year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, which ignited a worldwide racial reckoning.


At 8:00 p.m. that evening, please join Bishop Mariann and five other Episcopal Bishops from around the country for a service commemorating George Floyd, premiering on the EDOW Facebook page.




Weekly Bible Study Today 


Bible Study continues via the online platform Zoom. Please join us on Sundays at 9:00 am as we explore and deepen our understanding of scripture based on the Lectionary lessons. You don't have to know anything about the Bible - just bring your heart. We will meet virtually.

Today we will study: John 3:1-17

Topic: Sunday Bible Study

May 23, 2021 09:00 AM


Zoom Meeting ID: 863 9478 1138

Passcode: 233923


For our Sunday readings - click here for the Lectionary Readings.



Yours in Christ,


The Rev. Marilyn Jenkins


St. Georges DC



Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give you what the world gives you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. John 14:27


Wishing you the peace of God during this time of anxiety. -- The Rev. Jenkins



St. George's Episcopal Church |


St.George's Episcopal Church | 160 U Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

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