
Monday, January 23, 2006

day work

this morning i made a run to home depot and noticed a bunch of men lingering around the parking lot.

Day laborers? seems like it. Seems like a wise place to hang around looking for manual labor too.

i hadn't noticed them before today. Lately its been rare that i make a morning run to Home Depot, since i loathe the place, so i may have missed them. But i still go to giant often enough. Perhaps this is a new thing

Please note: I support the right of anyone to perform work that is legal for citizens. Much better than the sad ass con stories i get from those bumming on the streets. When begging for money is eliminated in this country, then i feel, we can deal with the sometimes controversial issue of day laborers.


  1. The day laborers at Home Depot have been there for a while. Over the last few months i have seen them there each morning. I completely agree with you, lets worry about the panhandling first, then worry about the illegal laborers.

  2. i really havent been to home depot in a while then!

    last few months? thats pretty interesting.
