
Sunday, January 29, 2006

fundaraiser for north capitol

Please mark your calendar to attend the neighborhood social event of the season -- the North Capitol Main Street, Inc. Design Committee’s Third Annual Winter Blues Party and Silent Auction, to be held on Saturday, February 25, 2006 from 7 pm to 10 pm.

This is sure to be a memorable party [just ask anyone who went to the First or Second Annual Winter Blues events!] where you will be able to meet and socialize with neighbors and friends, have some good wine and great food, and bid on some cool silent auction items, all while supporting a great cause!

Party details are as follows:

What: NCMS Design Committee’s 3rd Annual Winter Blues Party & Silent Auction
Where: Social Hall, Trinity University, 125 Michigan Avenue, NE
When: 7 pm to 10 pm, Saturday, February 25, 2006
Featuring: * Silent auction
* Wine bar
* Hors d’oeurves
* Live jazz band
* Gift basket raffle
Minimum Donation: $25 at the door [$20 for individuals age 65 or older]

Purpose: To raise money for the beautification projects of the NCMS, Inc. Design Committee. Funds raised from the 2006 Winter Blues Party will be used to make additional improvements to the public parks the Committee has adopted on North Capitol Street, as well as additional streetscape improvements on North Capitol Street and at First St. and Rhode Island Ave., NW

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