
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Crispus Attucks Park- the secret park

Dear Friends of Crispus Attucks Park,

This Saturday morning please join for a TEAR DOWN THE FENCE PARTY in Crispus Attucks Park from 8:00am until (????stay as long as you like)!!! As many of you have seen, we have been working to make the park a more friendly, accessible urban oasis. A big obstacle to that effort has been the rusty chain link fence ringing the park.

Continuing the efforts we began last summer (and last weekend), the Crispus Attucks Development Corporation, along with many community volunteers like you will be tearing down the rest of the chain link fence and replacing the fence with a barrier of 6x6s needed to reduce erosion and keep vehicles from entering the park. If you have any interest in making the park a better place for all members of our community, join us Saturday morning for a community workday.

Two teams of people will be working:

Chain Link Removal Team: Will haul away sections of the chain link fencing to the DC dump at Fort Totten. We have two vehicles lined up and could use a third. (This is perhaps the least physically demanding of the
tasks?..) Once the last of the chain link has been taken to the dump this team will rejoin the people installing 6x6s. (Point of Contact: Jon Jensen)

6x6 Timber Installation Team: This team will finish the installation of the last timber 6x6s at the west end of the park. 90% of the digging (the not so fun part) at the west end of the park is done. (Point of Contact: Mark Rauschenberger)

Bring yourself and any sledge hammers, shovels, picks, and bolt cutters that you have. If you don't have tools that's okay, we can provide.

Finally this is a great chance for newer members of the community to come together and meet some of the folks who have been here for quite a while. We look forward to seeing you for a couple hours Saturday morning.

As an incentive, PIZZA and a limited amount of COLD BEER (and other beverages) will be provided at lunchtime. No beer for those driving back and forth to the DC Dump, until they're finished the job? :) (Point of Contact: John Corea)

If you're interested, e-mail or call John at 202-550-2631 or so we can get a sense of how many people are coming. We'll be out there even if it's chilly, even if we have to swap the cold beer for hot chocolate.


John Corea, President
Crispus Attucks Development Corporation

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