
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

fascinating conversation about cars, gentrification and racism...

this thread of conversation on the IN SHAW site blows my mind.

like this comment for instance:
.....large black churches each within one block of each other. When gentrifiers came along to whitewash this historically black neighborhood (filled with black churches), did it not occur to you that on Sundays people would be attending these churches.

You're right. No one should double park and block your car, but its hard to
sympathize with you because you assumed the risk.

its bizarre to me because i dont even believe in "Race" ( black race, white race, etc..)and this poster wants to make it a racial issue.
i only believe in ethnicities... but the difference in that is lost on many.....and i went off on a tangent anyway....

Most importantly, i believe in following the laws as a means of fostering community and civility.


  1. I ain’t here to gentrify. I am swampoodle Irish taking my home back from the man.

  2. i love the name swampoddle!

    how far north does swampoddle go?
    new york avenue? h street?

  3. of course people will be attending churches in "gentrifying" neighborhoods. but surely churches are for local people who arrive ON FOOT. there's no need for double parking if you attend your local church. it's ludicrous to paint this as a race issue.
