
Friday, May 12, 2006

crazy hot action in bloomingdale tonight!

here's an email from the owner of the big bear market, soon to be the big bear cafe.


To all who may not know, or for those who still have not decided--

The Big Bear will be open tonight as a one-night gallery of design ideas.
Students from the Corcoran School of Art have prepared design presentations for the new space at 1700 1st Street, NW, and whether we open as a new coffeshop/cafe, jazz club, laundrymat nightclub, or disco ice cream parlor - we want your input for what the place will be.

Come for a tour, a drink, or simply an evening excursion - the building will be open to everyone and we want to hear what you think.

7pm to 11pm. Come and escape the rain.

From the website:

The Corcoran Design Presentations… 12 graduate design students from the Corcoran School of Art have been working this semester on the new design for the Big Bear Cafe, and they will be presenting their final presentations at the Big Bear in the form of a Gallery Opening on Friday, May 12th, between 7pm and 11pm.

The 1st floor will have presentations of 7 different designs. They will show the ideas the students have developed over the past few months as well as videos of research they have done on Bloomingdale architecture, history, and local culture. On the 2nd floor there will be videos and images of neighborhood people, neighborhood artifacts, and whatever else we can put together.

So come to the Big Bear and have a glass of wine, or an evening coffee.
Come and get down with the old folks and the new folks, and see a bit of our developing designs. Come and tell us what you want the place to be, and get involved in a little public display of private expression.

We would love to have you.