
Monday, May 22, 2006

floorplan... with a picture!

i saw this floor place in a for sale listing. does this seem like an original second story plan, or adapted? i've never been in a rowhouse that had this floor, so am a bit intrigued.


  1. I can't say whether it's original or not, but our sencond story (100 block of T St., NW) has a very similar plan.

    The only differences are that our stairway is flipped to the other side (the opposite party wall), and there's a second bedroom immediately behind the master bedroom in the front. I suspect that by eliminating the wall between the master bedroom and the second bedroom behind it, the plan to our second floor would be substantially similar to what's shown in the diagram.

  2. I have a friend who has an almost identical 2nd floor plan

  3. so is the triangle on the right a triangular closet? or is it squared off?

    it's interesting to me, since i hadnt been it one like that.

  4. this is exactly like my 2nd floor, i'm on the 1900 block of second street. only difference is where closets have been installed - i kind of like that idea for the master bedroom closet except that it would conflict with my exposed brick!

  5. We don't have a triangular space --it's squared off.

  6. Any chance you saved the image? It's no longer available - can't tell what you're talking about here.

  7. Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
