
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

issues from the bloomingdale community newsletter

two topics from the newsletter than i find interesting.

1. why does petworth have more going on business-wise than bloomingdale?

2.Is the neighborhood heading backwards?


  1. 1. I think Bloomingdale has attracted an older, slightly more affluent class of newcomers (those who can afford large Victorians). They don't start businesses, and they don't go to funky bars.

    Also Petworth (at least NE Petworth) seems quieter, less menacing than the North Capitol/Rhode Island corridor. The public housing that surrounds Bloomingdale on all sides is pretty bad.
    - JM

  2. Business development will be key. As cafe's and restaurants open, there will be a positive citizen presence on the streets. What's the latest with Big Bear Cafe and the restaurant at the Old Fire Station.

    Has anyone ever thought about a neighborhood watch committee?

  3. Ledroit Park (proper) used to have an orange hat patrol. Tom Fulton has in the past led orange hat patrols, but they were mostly focused on litter control. Unfortunately our current ANC representative does not seem to take any initiative on this sort of thing... sigh.

  4. I completely disagree with JM, above. There is little public housing in Bloomingdale and Petworth is surrounded by it. I think it's just luck that Dom Ku opened up there. (Has anyone noticed that it's always empty?)

  5. Here are my thoughts on the subject...

    Petworth is close to a Metro station, so people walk by there a lot on their way to and from the Metro. Lots of people in Blomingdale drive and so there isn't much foot traffic around 1st and Rhode Island. Heller's bakery (in combination with Windows Cafe) should help with that. As for Shaw, I am confident that the renovation of the area around Shaw Metro will make our area more attractive to restauranters and bar-owners, esp w/the Yellow Line's extension.

    I also think we would be successful if we found ways to support local business and do the marketing of our neighborhood necessary to attract new ones (esp to the vacant commercial storefronts on 1st and Rhode Island.) What type of businesses would people like to see there?

    Any ideas for the marketing part?

  6. anon 1- hey! i go to funky bars!

    anon 2- i think the big bear people are getting hitched. as far i know its still happening.

    anon 4 - JM was saying that bloomingdale is surrounded by public housing, not that it is in bloomingdale. but Logan in surrounded by public housing too.

    liz- you can join the north cap economic revitalization committee. they have lots of stuff in the works.

    it seems to me that petworth has a hell of a lot more building zoned business. also, they have many old business there that still exist. we dont have nearly that many. i've never driven through petworth and seen it dead. the place is always hoppin.

  7. BTW I don't think the neighborhood is moving backwards. The crime we've witnessed recently is part of a citywide trend. It's normal, unfortunately, to have these up's and down's. The fact that Heller's bakery and the Yellow line and the renovation of the area around Shaw Metro are in the works illustrate that we're actually moving forwards.

  8. Do you know any businesses in Petworth that are not close to the metro and not along Georgia Avenue?

  9. PS Thanks for the tip to the North Capitol economic revitalization website. In case others are interested, here it is:

  10. Liz -- Dom Ku is neither very close to the metro, nor is it on Georgia Avenue and it's a very nice, hip bar/restaurant that wouldn't be out of place in NYC. If they can survive in Petworth they could do it in Bloomingdale.

  11. there were comments on the community newsletter referenceing Pyramids as a place near the hood to go to. i drove by it last night and it was packed. As for me i had falefel there once it it wasn't good.
