
Friday, July 07, 2006


I've been away for the past few weeks, though i had heard of the flooding and the rain.
I didnt get flooded but my house smells pretty damp. I also had a leak that cause damage to part of my ceiling.

And most sadly, I have come home to the news that Maurice Darnaby was murdered inside of his A&L market. My prayers to his family.


  1. It's great to have you back. I missed your posts!

  2. Maurice's murder crystalizes why its time to sell the house and head for greener pastures. I kept think the neighborhood was going to improve, but lately its heading back in the wrong direction. More thugs, more violence, more drugs. Maybe in twenty years it will be different, but I'm not willing to wait that long.

    - Outta here

  3. anon 10pm- thanks.

    anon 3:51- i certainly feel your concern. it's quite disturbing.

  4. As a friend of the Darnaby's, (moreso Allison (his wife)), I was truly impressed w/ the closeness of the Bloomingdale residents at the vigil last eve. Your thoughts and prayers for Allison and the kids are truly appreciated. I will pass this on to her, although I know she felt the outpour of love and support at the vigil.

    On another note, although I'm a resident along the H Street cooridor, I have quite a few friends and colleagues in the Bloomingdale community. I like to keep up on what other areas are doing and how gentrification positively affects our community. With that said, I love your blog and was forwarded here from Frozen Tropics and DCist.

    Continue to keep us informed.
