
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

the kids are not alright

here is a story about fighting that broke out at a teen concert near the florida avenue market.

anybody have solutions?


  1. No, there are no solutions. Except to move these people out of our neighborhood and into SE or PG County.

  2. Sorry but I can't help commenting on the comment. I concur though in that there aren't easy solutions, but they do exist and we're responsible for supporting and helping find them.

    I think it would require heavy investment from the city in education, outreach and job-creation for youth. Anonymous, have you thought about tutoring or getting to know some of "these people" on a personal level?

  3. An hour or two of tutoring or mentoring each week can't compete with the bad influence of broken family and corrosive street culture 24/7. I've known a number of people who have tried to mentor disadvantaged youth. They've generally been bewildered when their kid starts to drift away at age 12-14, and then is arrested or joins a crew.

  4. we've all seen programs that didnt work. mentoring that doesnt pan out.

    money doesnt fix a problem. the city can't fix homelife.

    we can find many faults and problems, so what's a solution?

    is there something a neighborhood could do to support our kids?

    our neighborhood churches have seemed to been effective and have many programs. can they do more?

  5. I agree, the problem is complex and multi-faceted and no easy solutions. I wasn't recommending tutoring as a cure-all. I was just put-off about the comment about moving "these people" out of the neighborhood. It seemed like an over-generalization that any community activity might prove just that. Most anti-crime programs I know of are mutli-facteded: enforcement (hard side - police, 911), prevention (soft side - education, community outreach, social work & job creation, and intervention (also soft-side). Usually prevention programs target younger individuals that are not yet involved w/criminal activity, and intervention activities target those already involved w/crime and facilitate the transitition to a non-crime way of life.

  6. Actually, now that I think about it I think Scenic Artisan's neighbors represent the two approaches - your 1st neighbor is a bit more of the soft side, prevention approach to crime prevention, and 2nd neighbor (zero tolerance) represents the hard-line ("mano dura") approach.
