
Thursday, October 05, 2006

another take on the mcmillan

chek out this brooklanders blog.
Their photos are pretty damned good.

I do disagree with their take on the place though.
I think "profoundly unsafe" is hyberbole and fear mongering, but whatever... we have gotten so used to "safety" it seems quite sad, and just a bit spoon-fed. I have hiked/traveled a lot and been to some pretty perilous places, in national parks, in caves, on trails, historic sites here and in europe and in the middle east. Mcmillan is, as it stands, much safer than many places tourists frequent. ( have you been to black rock falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway... or Great Falls, even?) The promenade of McMillan is perfectly sufficient to walk safely around. Personally i feel that the "average american tourist" could use a good challenge.

Hell, it's safer inside the gates of mcmillan than outside, holes not withstanding.

Running, frollicking around the "mews" as we've been told happened in days of yore does seem a bit of a stretch. I do agree with the blog post, that the cell lids ( i'd say 1/4") make this far too unlikley.

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