
Monday, October 09, 2006

info relating to north capitol.....

this is from the bates area civic association meeting:

Q: With all the attention on First Street, NE, New York Avenue, NE and Florida Avenue, NE, the obvious omission in the presentation thus far is North Capitol Street (especially north of Florida Avenue). How does the plan address this?

A: This point was well taken. Ms. Zingheim and Ms. Crain indicated that Great Streets (an initiative to improve strategically located streets) funding was already allocated in Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 for First Street, NE. Funding for North Capitol would be allocated in FY 2008 or 09. Although Great Streets is not as sweeping in scope as a Main Streets project, DCOP would be also working with civic groups and area concerns on a Small Area Plan (SAP) to look specifically at North Capitol Street. The scope of work on the SAP has been finalized. However, the company that will facilitate the SAP session(s) has been let out for competitive bids. As soon as the facilitating company has been approved, the Small Area Plan will be announced. [BACA will keep abreast of the progress of the SAP and will inform the community its service area about the planning process. (Ed.)]

Mr. Berry interjected that it was his understanding that in the long-range design, North Capitol would eventually become a "grand esplanade", eventually leading to the Capitol. This sentiment was echoed by the DCOP Planners, who indicated an overall timeframe for NoMA and it is hoped, North Capitol Street, of about ten to twenty years.

1 comment:

  1. What happened to the bus stop right by the NY Ave Metro on Florida Ave NE? The closest stop is now the one by the Peoples building, or a block/two after the bridge.
