
Sunday, October 08, 2006

yesterday: arts on the avenue, project 4, and a chat with the ( future honorable) big bears

I went to arts on the avenue, and despite the I HATE DEL REY blog, i really like del rey.
I like the mix of stores and the strolling atmospehre of the avenue ( though to me "the Avenue" is in hampden, which is way colloer that alexandria could ever be...) Still, Del Rey has a strong community feel to it, and its not stagnant. Its gotta be the best neighborhood in NOVA.

Lots of art to see. despite the overcast weather it was a great turnout.

Later in the evening, we went to the opening of a show at Project 4 gallery at the suggestion of a guy we met at a fundraiser for a team that's doing this, which if you like baltimore,beer and kitsch, you should go to. Aparently the building that houses Project 4 used to be a numbers joint, for YEARS. One guy that used to run, put his kids through university with his procedes.

At the gallery we ran ito the owners of the soon-to-be-opened Big Bear Cafe. I had met one of them at the design showcase evening they held, but hadn't met the second half. Both super friendly people.... that i'm sure all yous will meet when they open.

It was great to talk to them about their plans for the store, and other community oriented ideas they have. I'm thinking this place will create quite a buzz ( ha!) and do a hell of a lot of good for our neighborhood. I was quite impressed by the scope of their plans. They make make a big impact on bloomingdale in the next few years.

I also ran into the guy that used to own Bardo's in Arlington. Remember that place? the best local brewed beer in the dc area. i asked him to open a new place along north cap, but he replied with tales of bricks being thrown at friends of his as they bike through blomingdale 15 years ago......

and 10 year olds walking down the street smoking boats. alas our hoods notorious past.

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