
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

meeting about St. Martins Housing Project.

this was passed on by ANC rep Stu Davenport.

Public Forum on the St. Martin's Apartments Complex

7:00 pm, Wednesday, January 10th, at the Harry Thomas Recreation Center

The new ANC 5C commission has taken office and, as our first order of business we invite you to attend a public forum we have helped organize to hear and address community concerns about the St. Martin's Apartments. This forum was jointly proposed by St. Martin's Church, Catholic Community Services (CCS), Ward 5 Councilman Harry Thomas Jr., and the ANC 5C. It is a proposal in good faith as a means of bringing the community together.

Although the St. Martins Apartments project (proposed to be located across T St. NE from McKinley Tech and fronting on Todd Pl. NE) has the potential to offer many benefits to the community, it is currently generating a great deal of controversy and concern. ANC 5C has, therefore, been working closely with St. Martin's, CCS, Councilman Thomas, members of the Eckington Civic Association, and residents of the neighborhood to try and rebuild genuine communication. This event will be a professionally moderated, open forum where community concerns will be heard and addressed.

During the forum, we will discuss, among other things, the following issues:

1. The assurances that CCS intends to put in writing regarding how the project will be run. This will ensure that neighbors, the ANC, and the City can take clear and effective action if the project's benefits do not materialize.

2. The issues surrounding the Zoning Commission hearing on Monday, January 29th;

3. The documents that CCS and St. Martin's will need to provide the ANC before the project breaks ground;

4. The programs that CCS intends to provide residents of the Apartments;

5. The security requirements and programs;

6. The creation of the governing board of the Apartment complex.

7. Other community Concerns.

Please come and be a part. Without community participation this forum becomes a one-sided dialogue, which runs counter, I believe, to the interests of all involved.

We live in an incredible community, and together we have a lot to look forward to.

Stuart Davenport
ANC 5C03

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