
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Saint Martins Zoning Variance Hearing.

st. Martin's Apartments Zoning Variance Hearing Tomorrow Night, Monday, 1/29/2007

Tomorrow night at 6:30 pm is the zoning hearing for the upzoning of the large lot in Eckington across from McKinley Tech from R-4 to R-5-B.

The zoning classifications are described here:

It is likely that no official decision will be made at the end of the hearing because there is some opposition towards the zoning variance request.

Here is the announcement from the Office of Zoning website,

Public Hearing

Start Time: 1/29/2007 6:30 PM


Case Number : 05-39
Case Name : Archdiocese of Washington & Catholic Charities

Case Summary : (Map Amendment,PUD) The Applicant is requesting consolidated review and approval of a Planned Unit Development (“PUD”) and a related zoning map amendment in order to implement new residential development in Square 3531, the city block bounded by Summit Place on the east, Lincoln Road on the west, Todd Place on the north and T Street on the south, in the northeast quadrant of Washington, D.C. The Office of Planning provided its report on April 10, 2006, and the case was set down for hearing on April 20, 2006. The Applicant provided its prehearing statement on September 15, 2006. The property that is the subject of this application is currently located in the R-4 District and includes Lots 114 and 115 in Square 3531. The existing building on the site will be relocated and incorporated in the design of the new development. The Applicant is seeking PUD approval and a related zoning map amendment to include the property in the R-5-B zone district in order to construct a multi-family residential building that will accommodate moderate and low-income families. The development will be constructed to a density of 2.64 FAR and contain 240,940 square feet of gross floor area. The maximum building height will be 55 feet.

The 3-page PDF of the “notice of public hearing” is posted here: []

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