
Thursday, February 07, 2008

Timor Bodega

Message from Timor Bodega Proprietor Kim Wee

Thursday 7PM
Just a reminder that there will be a wine tasting 7PM at Timor Bodega. I have already gotten a head-start on trying the organic Pinot Grigio and it is rather enjoyable! Should have a last minute addition to the tasting if it makes it onto the delivery truck tomorrow: Simonsig's Pinotage. Also more new beer arrived today from Stone, Bells and Speak Easy breweries.

Coffee Tasting Saturday 10AM:
Calling all coffeeholics, we have some really exotic stuff here. Most of the coffee we drink here is wet-processed, that is to say it has been fermented in a vat before the fruit is washed away. It does not sound too appetizing, and neither are the aromas involved, but it does result in a "clean" tasting cup. Occasionally, we might chance dry-processed coffee, which means it has been left to ferment on the ground or on a screen. This time, would you believe, Tree-dried coffee! From an Indian Estate, it will be roasted and available by the bag all weekend long. Heavy-bodied with low-acidity, it promises rustic fruit tones. I'm excited about this one, but that's not all.....have Balinese and new Brazilian coffee which I will introduce in the following weekends.

Produce Stand Sunday 10-2
SA sourdough, wheat boules, rosemary loaves, seasonally baked pies all from Atwater's bakery in Baltimore. If only there was a bakery like that in DC, I would have bread of this standard every single day. Also, Lulu avocados, Florida citrus, local salad greens, kale, broccoli, bacon and chops from Truck Patch stocked SEVEN days a week now.

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