
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Meet Bloomingdale!

Ever wonder what it would take to change the direction of North Capital Street? Specifically the area between Rhode Island Avenue and New York Avenue. In the past few weeks I have found neighbors with an interest/curiosity about how we, as Bloomingdale neighbors, can help North Capital Street regain it’s footing as a great street. Imagine, the power of a group of neighbors to buy one vacant building on North Capital Street. Daunting and exciting.

Let’s meet.

My agenda is to meet you. ....and,
  • Talk about what is needed to form an LLC. How is an LLC different/better than a 503c. Is there a better option?

  • How would we start? Would we have an initial investment amount per person? $1000, $10,000. More, less?

  • Do we organize the seed money first, and then find the property....that seems to make sense.

  • What is our mission? Is it solely to clean up North Capital? Is it to entice more businesses? Is it to make money? Are we only considering those buildings for sale, or do we approach other businesses....would SAVEMORE be interested in a new facade? Would that be something we would want to think about.

So let’s meet Bloomingdale! Tuesday, March 25th, 7:00pm at Nellie’s Sports Bar (9th and U Street). Please email me if you would like to be included: Karen_and_Howard at verizon dot net.

Think. Think. Think about it.


  1. seriously, what happened to all the links on the right hand side?

  2. are you refereing to specific links or just the whole column?

    i see them. anyone else having this problem?

  3. I haven't seen the listing on the side since the posting on 29-Feb

    Friday, February 29, 2008
    Photos of Bloomingdale

    Here is a photo stream from the Bloomingdale Flickr Group. Its free to join if you'd like to share your pictures of the neighborhood.

  4. thats really odd.
    i see it when using Safari and Firefox.
    are you guys using IE?

    i'll try to find out whats going on.


  5. I am using IE, vista platform. thanks
