
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Officer of Cultural Tourism DC's Neighborhood Heritage Trail

See this message from Bloomingdale Civic Association President Cassandra Costley:

Ledroit Park and Bloomingdale have a wonderful opportunity to become a tour of choice in a city of wonderful touring options. Earlier this month the Executive Committee of the Bloomingdale Civic Association had dinner with Ledroit Park Civic Association president Robert Sullivan, ANC 5-C Commissioner John Salatti, and Jane Freundal-Levy, Chief Program Officer of Cultural Tourism DC's Neighborhood Heritage Trail to discuss how that could happen. Ms. Levy and her assistant explained the process by which Ledroit Park and Bloomingdale can become part of the city's ever expanding network of neighborhood heritage trails.

Those who don't already know about these trails can go to to learn more. Completed trails bring positive attention to the neighborhoods they grace. The process of putting the trails
together brings neighborhoods together to talk, to research, to learn, to listen, and to laugh. Long-time residents get an opportunity to preserve for posterity all the things they have loved about the place they live. Newer residents get a chance to do research on their new home and to meet neighbors they might otherwise never get a chance to befriend. "Building" these trails has given whole communities an opportunity to learn more about their physical space and the people who once lived there. If you'd like to capture a bit of that magic for Bloomingdale and yourself, please volunteer to support this effort when the collaboration with Ledroit Park begins in May.

No particular skills or abilities are required. An abiding interest in people, history, and storytelling will come in handy. Otherwise, we'll find something for you to do if you can walk, talk, cough, or smell nice. We'll use the time between now and when our collaboration begins to plan how to involve everyone in our community who wants to play a role and to determine how to collect all of the stories of all of those who have stories to tell.

Email us at BloomingdaleCA @ to volunteer, ask questions, or comment on this initiative.


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