
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Survey about the Future of the Gage-Eckington Elementary School

See this 4/15/2008 message from ANC 5C04 Commissioner John Salatti:

Many people in the area know, but just as many do not know, that, as part of the District's school closure program, one of our neighborhood schools, Gage-Eckington Elementary School at 3rd and Elm Streets NW will be closing at the end of this school year. The LeDroit Park Civic Association has taken the lead on coming up with a plan for the short- and long-term future uses of the building and grounds. Along with my ANC colleagues, Myla Moss and Margot Hoerrner, I am a part of a LDPCA working group. We have been discussing a number of great and exciting ideas, but to really create the best plan that reflects the needs of this area and that best serves the entire community, we need to hear from you.

To facilitate getting that feedback, we have drafted a survey and are circulating it widely. For example, in LeDroit Park, Howard University students who live at Slowe Hall on 3rd Street NW are collaborating with residents and going door-to-door with the survey. In another example, I attended one of Commissioner Hoerrner's monthly meetings at Kelly Miller homes this week where as part of the meeting, she distributed copies of the survey and assisted residents there in filling it out. In addition, I have given a copy of the survey to the Bloomingdale Civic Association and the BCA may be distributing paper copies of it as well. But we are also using electronic means to give you easy access to the survey.

Here is a link to the survey on-line:

Please go to the link and fill out the survey. We need to hear from you and need to hear soon, preferably this week. Within the next 30 days, the city will likely be making decisions about the future of many of the closing schools. Having a clear plan ready to present to the Mayor and other District officials will increase the likelihood that we as residents can determine what will happen at Gage-Eckington.

Together, we can transform the unfortunate closing of this neighborhood institution into the opening of needed new services and opportunities for this area. So make your views known!

I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions about this process, please drop me an e-mail, and I will get you an answer.

Have a great day,

John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Recording Secretary, ANC 5C
(202) 986-2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"


  1. is that red dot supposed to be marking the school, because it's not. the school is that building that's cut off a half block north on the top of the image...

  2. thanks for pointing that out. i'll fix it.

  3. So have any plans been finalized?
