
Monday, June 16, 2008

apparently the KFC is closing

look here


  1. In the year I have been here and through the hundreds of times I have passed the KFC on the way to the Metro, I have never had any inclination to eat there.

    Now the Wendy's on the other hand...

  2. Neither have I. If you need chicken there's a Popeye's in Safeway Shopping Center on Rhode Island. There used to be a beautiful church where KFC stands today.

  3. Ahh.. the bulletproof KFC. How I will miss you so. I at there once, the night I moved into my house on Quincy five years ago. It was the first time I've ever received food through a bulletproof lazy susan.

  4. If you want chicken, go to Lucianne's just down the street at North Capitol & P. They do the Peruvian rotisserie style w/ the spicy green sauce. Delicious. & not nearly as maximum security as the KFC, but I have to say I'll be ready for them to take down the bullet-proof glass too.

  5. When Sursum Corda is gone the bullet-proof and anti-customer glass will come down.
