
Sunday, June 22, 2008

LeDroit Park Gate Destroyed***updated


I regret to inform you that this evening (Saturday 6/21/08) at approximately 6:00 PM a deranged driver destroyed the new LeDroit Park Iron Gate at the corners of Florida Avenue and 6th & T Streets NW. The Civic Association is working with the city & DDOT to have the repairs made as soon as possible.

At this time, we are asking the community to assist us in locating the iron pieces that have already been removed from the site.

The missing parts include the "LeDroit Park" name, date & scrollwork. Please help us in this search (no questions asked).

Thank you for your time.

Andrea Feniak
Secretary, LeDroit Park Civic Association.


GOOD NEWS! We have received absolute confirmation that the "letters"
from the LeDroit Park Iron Gate are in safe keeping with a member of the
Civic Association. Thank you to all who responded with your
"tips" on the possible whereabouts.

Regarding repairs, we have already been contacted by DDOT and they will
be on site tomorrow (Monday 6/23) to assess the situation and they
intend to report back to the community prior to Tuesday's Civic
Association Meeting (7:00 PM at the Florida Avenue Baptist Church).

See you there!

Andrea Feniak


  1. Sorry to hear this news. I passed by the gate yesterday (not too long before it was destroyed apparently) and reflected on how beautiful it was. Good luck restoring it.

  2. I'm not surprised. The community just isn't that "nice" yet.

  3. Anon--WTF? What in the world does a community's "niceness" have to do with a driver causing property damage? I suppose nothing like this has every happened in Dupont or Georgetown?

  4. It doesn't have anything to do with a driver causing property damage. It does, however, have a lot to do with the pieces being missing.

  5. It has everything to do with the neighborhood being a ghetto

  6. Not every anonymous has to mock a community to feel better about themselves.

  7. It's "new" (translation... build another one! gee there's an idea) -- and no one died. Maybe the "deranged driver" swerved to miss a pedestrian? What's the big deal???

  8. "It does, however, have a lot to do with the pieces being missing."

    Or, perhaps it has to do with the fact that iron schrapnel was scattered throguhout the street and people picked up the pieces, not knowing where to place them or who to give them to?

    Nah, it's easier to assume that ne'er-do-wells simply stole the pieces for...well, whatever one gains from stealing pieces of a shattered iron gate.

  9. Actually, I saw the aftermath. The biggest bits were piled where the arch had previously stood. Later in the day when I went by they were gone.

    What "somebody gains from stealing pieces of a shattered iron gate" is $$ at the scrap yard.

  10. It sounds like all of the "LeDroit Park" letters from the sign have been returned. See the email below.

    And, Anon, this neighborhood is not a ghetto, trust me. There are, unfortunately, many neighborhoods in DC that do not have the sense of place and strong community support that LeDroit Park and Bloomingdale have. Spend a few hours walking around the neighborhood on a Saturday afternoon (maybe even interact with some of the neighbors...), and you'll understand what I mean.


    GOOD NEWS! We have received absolute confirmation that the "letters"
    from the LeDroit Park Iron Gate are in safe keeping with a member of the
    Civic Association. Thank you to all who responded with your
    "tips" on the possible whereabouts.

    Regarding repairs, we have already been contacted by DDOT and they will
    be on site tomorrow (Monday 6/23) to assess the situation and they
    intend to report back to the community prior to Tuesday's Civic
    Association Meeting (7:00 PM at the Florida Avenue Baptist Church).

    See you there!

    Andrea Feniak

    LeDroit Park Civic Association

  11. Maybe the "deranged driver" swerved to miss a pedestrian? What's the big deal???

    Let's not forget that he went on to take out four cars, totaling one of them. Oh, and he plowed into the iron steps of a house on the corner of Florida & 6th before hitting the sign.

  12. Someone has to come from privileged fairytale land to considered LeDroit ghetto. Or else they simply have no idea of what the word really means. dont sweat it bamoll.

  13. "Someone has to come from privileged fairytale "

    Nah, he lives in an old condo in the Calvert-Woodley area Maryland, eh, I mean "DC". (Same difference over there, though) He's got little room for property value appreciation, and he's looking for a little schadenfreude by coming here.
