
Friday, June 20, 2008

North Capitol Main Street Plant-A-Thon -- Tomorrow, Saturday, June 21, 2008

North Capitol Main Street Plant-A-Thon -- Tomorrow, Saturday, June 21, 2008

See this message from Pat Mitchell, Bloomingdale resident and president, North Capitol Main Street, Inc.

Earlier this year, North Capitol Main Street (NCMS) was awarded a Neighborhood Investment Grant to make physical improvements to the North Capitol Street corridor.

Over the past month, handsome wrought iron tree-box guards were installed to match the existing wrought iron fencing in the median strip along parts of North Capitol Street. Even though the fencing is up, we're not quite ready for plants yet . . .

Question: How do you transform 28 trash-glass-and-weed-filled tree box spaces into 28 spaces with beautiful plants that bring year-round beauty?

Answer: With a little help from our friends . . .

NCMS Community Plant-A-Thon

We'll do the heavy lifting -- cleaning the trash, pulling the weeds,turning the soil -- you get to do the easy stuff: putting in the plants, mulching and watering. How hard can that be? Think you can hlep out? Meet us at Florida/No. Cap parking lot this Saturday morning and let's get planting.

What: NCMS Plant-A-Thon
When: Saturday, June 21, 2008
Time: 9:00 am to 12 noon
Place: Florida Ave/No. Capitol Parking Lot

Bring your marked tools -- shovels, rakes, hoes, buckets -- and gloves and join neighbors, volunteers and the Board of Directors of NCMS as we change the streetscape along North Capitol Street!!

NCMS, serving the NoCap Corridor and the great surrounding neighborhoods.

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